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A Nextflow pipeline for base NGS analysis.

Input/output options

Parameter Description Type Default Required Hidden
projectTitle A short title for the project. Used in naming files/directories. string True
samplesheet Path to input samplesheet in CSV format. string True
genome A path or URL to the reference genome sequence file in fasta format.
HelpFor reasons of reproducibility and portability we recommend using direct links to reference genome sequence files available through repositories such as RefSeq and Ensembl.
annotations A path or URL to the reference genome annotations file in GTF format.
HelpFor reasons of reproducibility and portability we recommend using direct links to reference annotation files available through repositories such as RefSeq and Ensembl.
publishDirData Base directory in which output data files will be published.
HelpWe think of this pipeline as producing as producing two main types of output: data and reports. Data files are raw or processed files that are used for generating results and insights. They typically are not immediately interpretable by humans and often are not even human readable.

Examples of data files would include raw fastq files, mappings in BAM format, tables of read counts within genes.
string ${launchDir}/data
publishDirReports Base directory in which output reports files will be published.
HelpWe think of this pipeline as producing as producing two main types of output: data and reports. Reports files are processed files that are used for immediately producing insights. They typically immediately interpretable by humans.

Examples of reports files would include MultiQC reports and MultiQC data tables, summary statistics files produced by Samtools stats, etc.
string ${launchDir}/reports
publishMode Method for publishing files.
HelpThis sets the default mode for publishing files. See the mode section of the publishDir Nextflow docs for details about the options.
string copy

Read trim/filter options

Parameter Description Type Default Required Hidden
adapterFasta Fasta file of adapters for read trimming.
Helpcutadapt does not currently work with an adapter fasta file.
string ${projectDir}/assets/NO_FILE

Skip steps options

Options to skip pipeline execution steps.

Parameter Description Type Default Required Hidden
skipTrimReads Skip read trimming steps. Will use raw reads for all downstream steps, e.g. read mapping. boolean